Rojena sem leta1967 v Postojni. Po izobrazbi inženirka lesarstva. Fotografija me privlači od nekdaj, resneje pa se z njo ukvarjam od leta 2008. Sem članica Fotografskega društva Postojna, v okviru katerega je sodelovala na skupinskih razstavah: Več kot 18 besed, 2011, Živali, 2012, in Dober dan, Majlont, 2012, v sodelovanju z Društvom likovnih ustvarjalcev Postojna.
Prvo samostojno razstavo z naslovom Zeleno, ki me očara je postavila na ogled v Višji strokovni šoli v Postojni leta 2011.
Fotografije, ki so nastale v sklopu serije Abstrakcija mikrokozmosa, so bile sprejete in objavljene (natisnjene v katalogu) na več mednarodnih fotografskih natečajih.
S pomočjo fotografije drugače opazujem svet okoli sebe. Prevzame me: žalostni pogled starke, otroška nežnost, jutranje meglice, večerna zarja, odsevi rož v dežni kapljici, pajkove mreže, vilinske solze v milnem mehurčku …

Erika Čelan
was born in 1967 in Postojna and graduated in wood science and technology. She has always been attracted by photography, however she dedicated herself to it more seriously in 2008. As a member of the Postojna Photographic Society, she has taken part in several group exhibitions: More Than 18 Words, 2001, Animals, 2012, and Good Afternoon Majlont, 2012 in cooperation with Postojna Fine artist Society. In 2011 she presented herself with her first solo exhibition, The Green That Charms Me, at Postojna College.
The photographs created in the series The Abstraction of the Microcosmos have been accepted at several competitions and published in catalogues: Between The Sky And The Earth, 2012 – an international photography competition, LUMEN, 2012 – an international photography salon, The Photography Exhibition, 2012, Nova Gorica, EXPOSED 2012 – an international photography competition. As for the author, photography is an educational tool enabling her to take different views of the surrounding world – e.g. a sad look of an old woman, morning mist, the sunset, flowers' reflections in a raindrop, spider's web or fairy's tears in a soap bubble.
In her second solo exhibition, The Abstraction of Microcosmos, Erika Čelan presents the selection of photographs from her latest creative period. The subject matter is her research observing soap bubbles, rain drops and various other liquids followed by capturing them on her camera. As a result, an impressive series of distinctive sets of photographs was created. They remind us of the prehistoric world of microorganisms in bright rainbow colours or sights into the planetary vastness of the space. Close-ups and enlargements revealed unexpected colourful formations of some kind of microcosmos in macro images. Illuminations and changing of the light plays an important role in space, on backgrounds as well as in structures of soft forms and amorphous shapes. Intriguing patterns, unique ornamentation and impeccable round lines of monochrome surfaces and tangential circles of different sizes are produced.
Digital photographs (captured in fast sequences) offer a lot more than just a glance into magical fractal world. They, namely, trigger a number of associative states, constellations of the unknown in the known or ice versa. They lead us to mysterious journeys and point to new stories in the completeness of the microworld being at the same time a macrosystem as well.
In her positive attitude towards life, Erika Čelan is aware that perception of the real world can always be communicated differently, in many ways. Although revealing a view of reality, she unveils abstract metaphors and magical glimpses reflecting in the present like the time in timelessness. Her broad-mindedness and original solutions again provided a unique photographic attraction.
dobrodelna Razstava v Galeriji 2, Postojna, junija 2013
razstava v osrednji knjižnici srečka vilharja v kopru, oktobra 2013
razstava v galeriji na vidmu, v ilirski bistrici, januarja 2014
razstava v slovenskem ljudskem gledališču celje, septembra 2013
razstava v galeriji turistično informacijskega centra v postojni, marca 2016
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